Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Future Of Work

Jobs? We need careers. Because jobs end. Careers involve skills that transfer from job to job.

You get a job somewhere. You get fired after a couple of years. What do you do now? If your employment was a "job", then you are fucked. If you had a career and loved what you do, were passionate about it and read about every aspect of it, you have a chance to gain new employment. Jobs end every second in America. We need careers, with skills that go with us from job to job, because your job, the one you have now that pays for those soccer drills and SUVs will surely end in the next five years. You'll need to get a new job in your same career, or you're fucked and you're gonna wind up dealing drugs to pay the bills, just like everybody up here in Maine has done when the mills and unskilled jobs ended twenty and thirty years ago. You have a mortgage and two cars and a grocery bill and no income, you sure as shit are gonna do whatever the fuck you have to do to stay indoors. Deal drugs to the rich kids? Damn right you would. That's whats happened to Maine. And it's a nightmare.

Is the future of America here in Maine? A bunch of rich turds who don't know and don't give a shit, and 1.15 million losers who deal Oxys and other assorteds to rich kids who live with their parents?

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