Friday, January 13, 2012

Afghanistan: Bring 'Em Home

The war against terrorism is over, for now. We won. They lost. So why do we still have tens of thousands of troops in that hellhole?

Afghans like to kill each other. They don't have cable. In fact, 99% of them can't read. They just like to kill each other. Next time you read an article about Afghans or Iraquis killing each other remember that. They kill each other whether we're there or not (unlike Vietnam). They live in the Middle Ages with automatic weapons. I say, build a fucking fence around Iraq and Afghanistan and let 'em have at it. Swallow the key and come home. The mission of destroying Al Queada leadership is accomplished. We won. They lost. As simple as that...

Well, there is the question of the many, many billions being spent on stuff to protect us from a nonexistant enemy. What do we do about that? Damned if I know. But when my fellow Americans are dying at a rate of ten a week for nothing other than the fact that soldiers die every day, I say, "No more."

Bring 'em home. Let 'em find jobs here. That's a warrior's task if I've ever seen one.

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