Wednesday, January 11, 2012

55K Voted for Ron Paul?

That's just grrrrrreat!

Is this a joke?

Ron Paul got 23% of the GOP turnout? WTF? Ron Paul can't parallel park. Ron Paul is so dumb he named his son "Rand". What a stupid name. Ron Paul is so weird he thinks Texas oughta join the Union. Ron Paul knows so little about economics he actually thinks he understands what the phrase "supply and demand means" (I don't ). Ron Paul is so weird he actually liked "War Horse". Ron Paul thinks he knows what a "write off" is.

Ron Paul got 23% of the Republican vote in the nation's first primary? Lord, save us. Seriously, somebody save us.

NH #s per Boston Globe --Votes ----Vote %
Romney , Mitt ---------95,669 -----39%
Paul , Ron ------------55,455 -----23%
Huntsman , Jon --------40,903 -----17%
Gingrich , Newt --------22,921 ------9%
Santorum , Rick ------- 22,708 ------9%
Perry , Rick ------------1,709 ------1%
Roemer , Buddy ----------919 ------0%

Rick Perry, governor of one of the most important states, got 1% of the vote and Ron Paul(!) got 23%? How is that possible? If I had a vote in that primary I would have gone for Santorum.

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