Monday, December 19, 2011

Just A Man


The Year Zero

"Did you hear how many points Jesus had last night? 40! Fucker is bad, man. Bad."

"That's nothing. I heard that that big Jewish kid blocked a shot into the 13th row last week. Amazing."

"Sheeeet. I got a story that tops that crap. Jesus can pick a dime off the top of the backboard. Seen it myself."



The Year 40

"Remember that skinny white dude that played for Nazereth High? Jesus, I think, was his name. Fucker could fly. D-ed up like no one I've ever seen. Whatever happened to that kid?"

"Romans executed him. No biggee. They execute a couple of dozen shitheads a week round these parts."

"Doggone. Thas' sad. He was a thing of beauty when he played ball. For a white boy, anyway."


The Year 100

The Cult of Personality begins...

"Jesus was the greatest basketball player that ever lived. Bar none. I've heard stories that he won 14 championships in his career."

"Bullshit. No one can be that good."

"I'm telling you. The legend of Jesus grows every day. They say he was 7 foot 6, with a big flat forehead. Could pass and shoot like you wouldn't believe. I'm telling ya, I hear things."

"Dude should have a book written about him."

"Damn straight he should. Let's write some shit up, see what floats."



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