Monday, December 26, 2011

He's a War Horse

War Horse” is so bad…..

(How bad is “War Horse”?)

War Horse is Howard the Duck bad

War Horse should be taken out and shot. Twice. In the fucking head. With a shotgun

War Horse tastes like chicken. Seriously. Have you tasted chicken lately? Tastes like War Horse

War Horse is about WWII. No wonder Poland lasted three days

War Horse is so bad that Kim Jung Il is coming back to life to watch it

War Horse is so bad that Nic Cage is starring in War Horse: Mutant Ninja 2

War Horse is so bad that Dustin and Warren want to make War Horse: They Shot Him!

War Horse is so bad it will make a ton of money overseas

War Horse is so bad Billy is going to do five minutes of material on it during the Oscars. And Mr. Speilberg is going to give him the Jewish Stare of Death. And not laugh once. On camera

War Horse is so bad the horse is being pushed for a Best Actor/Actress award. New category

War Horse is so bad Kate Kapshaw wants to act in War Horse, Too

War Horse is so bad that Smell-O-Vision is being brought back to select theatres (and I pray your theatre is selected) so that Dead War Horse: 4D can make even more money

War Horse is so bad Danny Devito wanted to play the horse

War Horse is bad

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